A donation towards transformational change.
The Garth Homer Foundation will match all donations up to $50,000.
That means your gift will have twice the impact to support people with diverse abilities with new program, residential and community space for the Belonging Project construction and other funds to support the Garth Homer Society to help people reach their goals. You may use the form or other methods below. More information under ā€¯Facility Development" and
Thank you for your generous support!
Make a donation online via CanadaHelps
Make a donation by mail (click to download an optional PDF form)
If you prefer to send a cheque by mail, please send it to:
The Garth Homer Foundation
301-1321 Blanshard Street
Victoria, B.C. V8W 0B6
Make a donation by phone
Please phone 778-410-5174 Monday - Friday between 8:30am and 4:00pm.
Make a legacy gift
Leave a legacy of support with the Foundation.
Make a gift in memoriam
Honour a loved one by making a donation in memoriam.